Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University
Masters in Journalism
School of International Affairs, Columbia University
Masters of International Affairs, Certificate from the Institute on Western Europe
(Including general international relations, economics and political economy)
Wellesley College
Bachelors degree in Political Science
NOTE: Joanne also did a year of graduate studies at Brandeis University and is an ABD at New York University, where she completed coursework in comparative politics of Western Europe and French studies.
Other Training
Easy Excel Classes (New York, NY)
Mediabistro Intensive Weekend Courses (New York, NY)
(Adobe Photoshop, InDesign for text)
SUNY New Paltz Total Immersion Program
Three intensive weekends in of total immersion in Spanish at the intermediate/advanced level.
Christian Spanish Academy, Antigua, Guatemala
Six weeks of total immersion in one-on-one classes.
Bryn Mawr College Institut d’Etudes Françaises d’Avignon
A seven-week stay in France that included six weeks of total immersion and classes in French history.
Note that Joanne is also taking private instruction in German.